It has to be stressed out that the quality of the diamond is not affected by its brand. However, when it comes to the diamond sources, the quality does influenced by the different diamond sources. Actually, the classification of diamond is only about 4Cs. In this day and age, there is no authorized certifying institution can provide certification for the diamond sources.
Theoretically, from technical aspect it is possible to distinguish the diamond based on the condition of the diamond forming source and the origin of diamond rock. However, concerning the current identifying technology and sample, it is hard to distinguish the source of a rough diamond. The only way to identify the diamond source is using the Kimberly certification of a rough diamond. If a rough diamond became a loose diamond after cutting and polishing, it is not possible to distinguish the diamond source only using the 4Cs classification. Unless, the diamond is from Zimbabwe area has some special feature to speak for itself.
There are over 30 countries which have diamond mines, the top 5 diamond producing countries are Russia, Congo, Botswana, Australia and Angola. These 5 countries produce over 90% of the world supply. Please follow Van Anvers to discover the world famous diamond mines for you.

Golconda (aka Golkunda) was a region located at central India; it was well known as the kingdom of Golconda since 16th century. Since 1687, the Golconda fort fell to Mughal emperor and brought riches to the ruling Qutb Shahis of Hyderabad State. The peak productions of diamond in Golconda region were during the 16th century to the 17th century, since then the Golconda fort became a center of a vibrant diamond trade. During the Quth Shahi region Golconda became one of the leading markets in the world of diamonds.
The Koh-I-Noor (Mountain of Light)
Is a diamond that was found in India before 18th century.It was originally weighted 186 carats. After centuries it has been passed through several owners, and finally recut into oval shape. As of today, the Koh-I-Noor is on display in the Tower of London with the Crown Jewels.
The Hope Diamond
Is a 45.52-carat, and the diamond has been known as it brings misfortune and tragedy to persons who own it. Currently, the diamond housed in the Smithsonian Institution’s Natural History Museum in Washington, D.C.
The Regent Diamond
weighs 140.64 carats, it is one of the most famous diamonds in the world and currently displayed at the Louvre in Paris. The Regent Diamond was mounted on the crowns of Louis XVIII and also mounted on the hilt of Napoleon’s sword.
The Orlov diamond
Weighs 189.62 carats; the shape of the diamond was described as resembling half a hen’s egg. Its color is white with a faint bluish-green tinge. The diamond was set on the top of the Royal Scepter of Catherine the Great, and its setting of domed top facing forward is still preserved up to this day.
Premier Diamond Mine

Premier Mine is situated in the town of Cullinan in South Africa. It is also the only diamond deposit of blue diamond in the world. This diamond source is famous of producing a higher amount of large gem diamonds than any other diamond sources. After discovered diamonds on farms near Pretoria, led to the discovery of Premier Mine. De beers Group of Companies, the world’s largest diamond producer was also established in South Africa.
Cullinan Diamond
Is the largest gem-quality rough diamond ever discovered in 1905 in the Premier Mine. This giant diamond weighs 3,106 carats. In 1908, the Cullinan was cut into several pieces with a total weight of 1,063 carats excluded the two main stones. All gems are in the Crown Jewels of United Kingdom at this day.
The Premier Blue :
Is the world’s largest round fancy vivid blue diamond ever graded by GIA (Gemological Institute of America).
Argyle Diamond Mine

Is located in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. It is the only known significant source of high quality pink diamonds; over 90% of the world’s supply was produced in Argyle mine.
Ellenndale Diamond Mine
Ellendale Diamond Mine is located in the West Kimberly Region of Western Australia. It is famous for the production of rare fancy yellow diamonds. Over half of the world’s yellow diamonds are produced from Ellendale Diamond Mine.

There are over 30 countries which have diamond mines, the top 5 diamond producing countries are Russia, Congo, Botswana, Australia and Angola. These 5 countries produce over 90% of the world supply. Please follow Van Anvers to discover the world famous diamond mines for you.